Orlando Murrin, Ambassador for Westbank’s Community Cookery School

Westbank Community Health and Care recently welcomed a VIP guest - food writer and author Orlando Murrin - who was joined by the charity’s youngest-ever cookery class participants. Read more

Pip’s new management role to support volunteers

Westbank Community Health and Care relies on an army of volunteers to carry out its vital work across Devon and we’ve recently created a new management position, specifically to support those who give up their time to support us in helping others. Read more

A landmark year for Westbank, a review of 2023

Sarah Hicks, CEO of Westbank Community Health and Care looks back over the last year. Read more

Who Cares for Our Carers?

Andy Hood, Head of Carer Services at Westbank talks about who carers for our carers as ITV aired a primetime documentary examining the cost of caring, from both a financial and human perspective. Read more

Kidzone continues to extend its facilities at Westbank

As a charity, Westbank has a wide-ranging remit to provide services for young and old alike. Lucy Elliott, Kidzone Manager at Westbank explains more ... Read more

A gym with a difference

We all know that exercise is good for us but how many gyms can claim to be good for you AND your community? Ryan Collins explains more... Read more

Celebrating 25 years of supporting unpaid carers

Westbank’s Devon Carers, a free service supporting more than 30,000 unpaid carers, is celebrating a landmark anniversary this November. Andy Hood, Head of Devon Carers tells us more... Read more

Let’s get cooking!

After simmering away for over a year, Westbank has finally lifted the lid on its new community cookery school facility at Exminster. Chris Bloye, Head of Business Services & Operations explains more... Read more

Male company and conversation

Brunch is more than just a meal at Westbank it’s a way to bring men together. Sarah Jane Tovey, Westbank’s Group Activity Coordinator tells us more. Read more

Sunny, sensory spaces

Why Westbank Community Health and Care has created cheerful outdoor spaces for staff and service users. Nikki Bromley, Westbank’s Community Services Manager explains... Read more

Prevention of Drowning Day - Training Undertaken by Walk Leaders.

The Fire Brigade and the RNLI provided an information and awareness day on 25th July 2023 at Exeter Quay as part of International Prevention of Drowning Day. Read more

Carers Week: ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community.’

The theme of this month’s Carers Week is ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community.’ Westbank currently supports around 2,700 children and teenagers with caring responsibilities. Liz Smith, Young Carers’ Service Manager for Westbank Community Health & Care tells us more. Read more