Making a difference By Pip Morrison, Westbank's Volunteer Engagement Manager. Westbank is a Devonwide health and wellbeing charity that relies on an army of volunteers to carry out its vital work across the county. I’m privileged to be the person responsible for supporting all of our volunteers working across Devon, who give up their time to help our charity and who are critical to every service we run. Westbank’s volunteers are a huge and valued resource. They are incredibly important to us because without them we simply would not be able to deliver all that we do to help people live healthier and happier lives and maintain their mobility and independence for as long as they can. So, we’re thrilled to learn that two of our volunteers - Devon Carers’ ambassador Jane Taylor and volunteer Health Walks’ leader Arthur Harman - are finalists in the BBC Make A Difference Awards 2024, which recognise and celebrate those who genuinely make a difference in communities across the county. This year’s Devon awards were launched in February and received hundreds of nominations. A group of four judges from local community organisations have chosen the finalists, who are due to come together for a celebration and awards ceremony this month. We are so glad that Jane and Arthur have been chosen as finalists in their categories - there are just four in each category from the many who were nominated. 82-year-old Arthur, who we understand is the oldest finalist this year, is proof that age is just a number. At a time of his life when most pensioners are dialling down their commitments, Arthur continues to add to the multiple volunteering roles he carries out! Arthur volunteers as a driver for our award-winning Neighbourhood Friends Service, leads two weekly Health Walks and has also supported the teaching of a ‘Cook and Chat’ course for older men in our Community Cookery School. A finalist in the Volunteer category, for individuals who make a notable difference to their community by giving their time to help others, Arthur is one of our most active volunteers! Jane Taylor from Belstone is a worthy finalist in the Carer category, awarded to those who improve the life of an individual or a group of people through their helpfulness, compassion and support. An ambassador for our Devon Carers service, Jane is an unpaid carer for her husband, who has advanced, early onset Multiple Sclerosis. Jane also cared for her mum for five years when she developed Alzheimers. Jane says, “Watching the person you love dissolve before your eyes leaves you feeling powerless and extremely lonely. Devon Carers gives me a supportive friendship base while making me feel I’m making a difference in my spare time.” Jane is also on the Carers Partnership Steering Group for Devon, representing and advocating for local carers, ensuring their voices and concerns are heard by senior representatives from the NHS, County Council, Social Services and other agencies. Heartfelt congratulations to Jane and Arthur for their well-deserved success in the Make A Difference Awards. We’re not at all surprised that their nominations stood out to the judges. We think every one of our volunteers deserves to be celebrated and recognised for the incredible difference they make! If you would like to know more about activities at Westbank or would consider taking on a volunteering role, we’d love to hear from you. Have a further look around our website for more information. This article was first published in Moorlander Magazine