Our services Looking after someone Devon Carers We enable carers to maintain their own health, wellbeing and independence; and to care safely, confidently and effectively. We provide carers with the information and advice they need in their caring role. We help carers find support in their community and from local community organisations. In everything we do we are led by carers, ensuring they have choice, control, and a voice as expert partners in care. We are led by carers To us, carers are at the heart of everything we do. We are continuously looking at ways we can improve our service, acting upon advice and feedback from carers as well as professionals. We believe that carers should be acknowledged as experts in care for their loved one and it is our role to support them in their caring role. Many of our team are carers, or have been carers in the past and can draw upon their own life experiences, as well as receiving up-to-date training, in their support of carers. Find out more about Devon Carers