I am a wellbeing walks co-ordinator, walk leader and a walk leader trainer for Bampton. As a walk leader, I take groups of walkers on walks that I have plotted and risk-assessed, around Bampton and surrounding footpaths. I either lead a walk or take the backstop position and in either role I make sure everyone walking keeps safe and enjoys the experience, chatting to us and each other. Wellbeing is different for everyone but there is strong evidence to support physical activity and social connection helping wellbeing.

As co-ordinator, I manage the necessary paperwork and records. I call and chair meetings of our walk leaders, taking and circulating notes. I keep leaders informed of information from Westbank. I maintain records of our activity and manage publicity to encourage people to join our walks and to recruit walk leaders.

As a Westbank accredited walk leader trainer, I use the Westbank wellbeing walks training programme to train local volunteers to become walk leaders.

I really enjoy volunteering in these roles. I retired three years ago from a job working as a specialist in health improvement and specifically in mental health improvement. I was an accredited trainer for a range of national courses and programmes for health and wellbeing. The volunteering roles with Westbank give me the opportunity to continue using my skills in my own community. I am a full-time carer and volunteering gives me essential ‘me’ time which I value highly and which helps keep me well and satisfied.

I love Bampton’s history and natural environment and add interest to the walks, offering facts about Bampton in the past, and using a bird song app to listen to bird songs. I learn so much from our walkers and other leaders, about flowers and plants, community life and so many other things.  This makes the roles even more enjoyable.

Our Westbank co-ordinator gives great support, answering queries, offering ideas and guidance and visits our scheme from time to time to keep up to date with what is happening locally. Westbank provides overall governance and processes to ensure the well-being walks programme is well maintained and effective and follows best practices. 

Volunteering is such a great way to give time to help others, with the benefit of enjoyment and satisfaction in return. Getting involved with volunteering can help learn new skills, improve confidence and overall wellbeing. Volunteering can take just a few hours each week, or when time is available and does not need immediate expertise and skill in the chosen volunteer role - that will be developed to whatever appropriate level over time. Volunteering offers connection with other people, is time well spent and is so rewarding.  

Thank you Judi, for all your time and dedication to volunteering for Westbank.

To find out more about volunteering at Westbank, or to apply to volunteer, please click here