Our services Carers Devon Young Carers Ambassador Devon Young Carers Charity Auction Devon young carers support over 1,600 young carers across Devon, however we know there are so many more who may need our help and a break from their caring role. With 1 in 5 school children a young carer your support could be the difference they need. You can support young carers by placing a bid, joining the prize draw or making a donation. Join in today and give a young carer a moment for them. A break for a young carer if often something which others their age take for granted such as having a smartphone to contact their friends, access to sporting activities, craft items to have fun when they can’t leave the house because the person they care for is unwell. Exeter Chiefs star Ollie Devoto and fellow rugby players have come together to provide some very rare and exciting items for the Devon Young Carers Charity Auction. The online charity auction and prize draw are open. View the auction items and place your bid The money raised through this campaign will help young carers across Devon. Thank you