Isaac Evans

What’s your volunteering role and what does it entail?

I currently volunteer on Fridays at Westbank in Exminster helping to look after the elderly people who come to the day centre. I socialise with them, bring them their lunches, play bingo, help them into their seats and serve coffee and drinks throughout the morning session. Additionally, I clean the tables and bring any dirty dishes to the kitchen.

Occasionally I also help as a volunteer in Kidzone in half term, or whenever they need additional support. When I’m in Kidzone, I help the staff look after the children by playing with them, making sure they are behaving and helping with tidying up at the end of the day.         

Why do you enjoy volunteering with Westbank?

I enjoy volunteering at Westbank because it provides a good foundation from which to work. I’ve been volunteering for a while now and I feel very comfortable in my role. There are lots of benefits to volunteering at Westbank – being a member of the gym, meeting new people, making friends and learning lots of new skills.

Why should others get involved?!

It’s definitely worth trying to get involved with Westbank! Because it’s a charity, Westbank would love the additional help in the other departments, such as volunteering on reception, helping with activities and groups or volunteering in Kidzone. There are lots of different things to do, lots of days available and it doesn’t have to take up too much of your time.


What else do you like to do with your time?

I have another volunteer role at Exminster Primary School where I help out in their after-school club. In my spare time, I like gaming, doing art, taking lovely walks with my mum and family and going to church with my grandparents on Sundays. I’m also busy with drama on Wednesdays, I am at college studying Health and Social Care from Monday to Wednesday and then I also like to make digital animation.


Tell us an interesting, unusual or funny fact about yourself.

I have recently completed writing a part fiction, part non-fiction book about hitmen and am now hoping to get it published! I also love dogs and all animals.

Thank you so much for your time Isaac!

To find out more about volunteering at Westbank, or to apply to volunteer, please click here