Our health walks are aimed at people who are doing little or no exercise at the moment but would like to become more active as well as those who would like to improve their overall fitness.

The walks are not competitive, and everyone is encouraged to walk at their own comfortable brisk pace. The trails vary in length, the short walks take place locally, and longer walks tend to go out into the surrounding countryside. All walks are led by volunteer walk leaders who welcome people of all ages and abilities. Dogs on short leads and pushchairs (where walks are suitable) are also welcome.

  • Attend a one-day training course run by a Cascade Trainer
  • Welcome and register regular, and new participants on each led walk
  • Ask new participants to complete a health questionnaire
  • Either act as front or back leader on a health walk, at a suitable pace for the group
  • Adapt to the circumstances and participants on the day of the walk
  • Check all participants complete the walk and obtain feedback
  • Encourage all participants to socialize after completing the walk
  • Some Walk Leaders may like to be involved with setting and recording routes and Risk Assessments
  • Attend regular Walk leader meetings when possible

For more information, please contact the volunteering team on:

t: 01392 824752 option 2, option 2

e: [email protected]

Apply here