Healthier Devon LogoWe are here for you and your patients

The Healthier Devon Programme is a service dedicated to taking action against the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Through personalised support, we encourage your patients to make sustainable changes to their behaviours and lifestyle to improve their health. Focusing on making positive adjustments to their diet, weight, physical activity and stress management; we aim to reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, provide patients with a support network and ease the pressure on GP practices.

What is the programme?

With the support of our skilled Wellbeing Facilitators, the Healthier Devon Programme is delivered over two years through 19 personalised sessions.

Setting sustainable goals

We believe that when it comes to improving individual health, one size does not fit all. This is why the Healthier Devon Programme is based on empowering participants to set individual goals which are relevant to their life goals beyond the course, and it’s topics. We encourage this with the aim to help individuals see the course as a lifestyle change, helping them to sustain the improvements they make, preventing much more than diabetes and improving their long-term overall health.

Hear Richard's Story

Personalised contact

We allocate participants to small groups with a primary Facilitator who will tailor every single aspect of the programme to the participants individual needs ensuring we can get the best results. One of the ways in which we personalise our service is by adjusting our contact time to the personal requirements of our participants.

Some might have the tools and knowledge to make a change, but just need small doses of contact with someone knowledgable and impartial to hold them to account. Other individuals might have a wider variety of life challenges or lack the knowledge on how to make these positive changes, in this case, we offer much more support and contact to guide participants through the programme.

We focus on building personal relationships with participants by spreading the delivery of sessions which are divided into five key areas:

  • Healthy Eating
  • Physical Activity
  • Positive Mental Health
  • Healthy Weight Maintenance
  • Addressing Barriers

By combining individual and group engagement, we encourage participants to share their challenges and give them an opportunity to learn from other people’s successes giving them a sense of community. A dual approach provides social and personal engagement which we believe is crucial to helping participants make sustainable changes in their lives.