The health and wellbeing of young carers, our team members and our volunteers is paramount to our Leadership Team and our Board of Trustees.  We are coordinating our services to ensure we continue to support vulnerable people in the community while safeguarding all our team members and our volunteers.  As an organisation that works with young carers across Devon we recognise our responsibility to keep communicating and connecting at the heart of our response to the current situation. 

Following advice from the Government, we are unable to meet face to face with young carers or offer group activities until further notice.

We are delivering the following services:

  • If you are worried about your caring role please call us on 03456 434 435 or email [email protected] and someone will get back to you.
  • Assessments for new young carers will be carried out either over the telephone or by email.
  • We can provide information and signpost you to relevant local services.
  • we have a young carers Daily Challenge for you to try at home. The challenge can be texted or emailed to a young carer or family member.  Please contact us to sign up for this: t: 03456 434 435 m: 07923205814 or e: [email protected]
  • The Scouts have also issued 110 things to do indoors
  • If you are worried about how you are feeling you can contact your Young Carers Support Worker or Lead Practitioner on t: 03456 434 435 or [email protected] and they will get back to you.  You could also try Kooth

How our team are working to deliver this service:

Our young carers team will provide the services above by email, text and telephone For more information t: 03456 434 0345 or e: [email protected]

Further information:

Visit our Coronavirus page which includes practical advice and guidance.

Government guidance for young carers and young adult carers

If you need any help in your caring role then please get in contact with us, you can find the guidance in full here:

There is an easy to read version available here: