Our services Carers Young carers Information for unpaid young carers during the COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19 and Caring, Information for unpaid young carers during the COVID-19 pandemic As an unpaid young carer (16-17 year olds) you are entitled to receive the COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations. This information sheet will tell you what to do next. Having the first, second and Booster Covid-19 vaccination will help keep you, your family, the people you care for and friends safe. 1. How can I get my Covid-19 vaccinations and booster? If you have not received any vaccination yet then you need to be book your first vaccination. If you have had your first vaccination then you need to book your second vaccination. If you have had both your first and second vaccinations then you need to book your booster vaccination. Bookings can be made Through the national booking service by ringing 119, where you will need to highlight that you are a young carer. By attending one of the many walk-ins available across the county - Search - Find a walk-in coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination site (www.nhs.uk) – please do highlight that you are a young carer. By visiting your GP. Or if you would like some support to book and attend your vaccination appointments please contact the vaccine support team on [email protected] If you need any further support please do get in touch with your local young carers service: If you live in Devon, please contact Devon Young Carers Tel: 03456 434 435 or email: [email protected] Website: Young Carers | Westbank If you live Plymouth, please contact Time4U email: [email protected] Text or call: 07899 950 155 In you live in Torbay, please contact Young Adult Carers (16-25) via Cheryl Mackinnon email: [email protected] or mobile: 07825027642 2. Would you like to have your COVID-19 vaccination but have difficulty leaving those you care for? If so, you can get help to organise your vaccination through the Devon Vaccine Support Team. To find out more email [email protected] or call 01752 398836. 3. How can I get my Flu vaccination? Please contact your GP who will be able to advise you. 4. Free Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Lateral Flow tests for unpaid carers Local unpaid young carers can still access Free PPE (e.g. face masks and gloves etc) and Lateral flow tests from the Department of Health and Social Care until end of March 2022. PPE Devon If you are based in Devon then please complete this online PPE and lateral flow test order form. Once you have placed your order, a member of the PPE team will call you to arrange a collection from one of our PPE stores in Devon. If you have any PPE related queries, please email [email protected] PPE Plymouth If you are based in Plymouth, please contact [email protected] to order your free PPE. LFT You can also order lateral flow tests online for home deliver or request a code to enable you to collect a box of 7 kits from your local pharmacy. For either of these options you should go onto the government website https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests You can also access lateral flow tests through the Devon Country Council’s service by visiting Rapid lateral flow tests: site locations and opening times - Coronavirus (COVID-19) (devon.gov.uk) This above content is from a letter from the following organisations: Devon County Council Torbay and South Devon NHS Partnership Trust Plymouth City Council NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group You have been sent this information as our records show that you are an unpaid young carer. Information has been collated from young carers who have given their details to Devon, Torbay and Plymouth Young Carers services. For further information about how we use your personal data please visit www.devon.gov.uk/privacy/privacy-notices/privacy-notice-for-parents-carers/ Letter from: Devon County Council Torbay and South Devon NHS Partnership Trust Plymouth City Council NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group